Which of the following sentences could you use to tell what you did last night?

Find the error in the sentence practice based on tenses

Find the error in the sentence practise based on tenses

In the post-obit questions  a sentence has been given.The judgement is divided into 3 parts a,b and c. At that place is an error in ane part of the judgement.Find the function that has the mistake that is the answer.If there is no mistake the answer is d.

Q1. (a) By the time /(b) we will become our tickets and enter the movie theatre theatre/(c) the evidence volition have already begun/(d) No Fault

Q2. (a) The thief was caught /(b) after he has sold off /(c) the stolen goods. /(d) No Error

Q3. (a) Sushma arrived here, /(b) did all the preparation /(c) and and then has called one of her intimate friends /(d) No Mistake

Q4. (a) I could not call up /(b) what she has told me almost her /(c)business organization for her dog, Moti./(d)No Error

Q5. (a) When he did non discover his cook in the kitchen (b) /he asked his married woman/ (c) where had he gone./ (d) No mistake

Q6. (a) I do non know where could he accept gone /(b) so early on /(c) in the morn/(d) No Error

Q7. (a) Nobody knows /(b) when decease /(c) volition knock at his door /(d) No Error

Q8. (a) Dipu hopes to become /(b) an officer after he consummate /(c) his college instruction/(d) No Error

Q9. (a) Meenu along with her parents /(b) is going to Mumbai tonight /(c)considering her eldest blood brother is ill there. /(d) No Fault

Q10. (a) My friends said to me, /(b) "When accept /(c)you come here?" /(d) No Fault

Q11. (a) Although I am playing cricket /(b) for more than three years /(c)I have not been able to score a century/(d) No Error

Q12. (a) He would not have /(b) washed all this if he had not been /(c) instigated by his wife. /(d) No Fault

Q13. (a) The teacher said /(b) to the states that we should stay at home /(c) if it rains. /(d) No Error

Q14. (a) The teacher/(b) has took/ (c) the responsibility/ (d) No error.

Q15. (a) How long it takes /(b)to travel from Chennai to Trichy /(c)by train? /(d)No error

Q16. (a) I was /(b)laying down /(c)when the door bell rang/(d)/No error

Q17. (a) Seldom if ever / (b)nature operate /(c)in its own fashion. /(d)No mistake

Q18. (a) This T.V. series/ (b) is going on/ (c) for 3 years./ (d) No error

Q19. (a) This is turned out to be/ (b) ane of our nearly successful projects/ (c) and we have made quite a larger turn a profit from it./ (d) No error

Q20. (a) He has given me/ (b) a lot of documents/ (c) to read before the presentation day before yesterday./ (d) No error

Q21. (a) Since the trip home/ (b) was expensive/ (c) I did not went home during the holidays./ (d) No error

Q22. (a) As she is tardily/ (b) for work yesterday she decided/ (c) to skip breakfast and exit for office./ (d) No mistake

Q23. (a) Equally soon equally the CEO entered the function, the/ (b) union leaders approached him/ (c) and study the matter to him./ (d) No fault

Q24. (a) The college/ (b) is running a computer course/ (c) since 2009./ (d) No error

Q25. (a) The river is in spate/ (b) and information technology has overflown/ (c) its banks./ (d) No error

Q26. (a) The little male child/ (b) had been waiting for his turn/ (c) since a long fourth dimension./ (d) No mistake

Q27. (a) Did he tell you/ (b) why he hasn't/ (c) come yesterday./ (d) No mistake

Q28. (a) Terminal night I dream/ (b) I was a Sheikh on the 169th floor/ (c) of Burj Khalifa./(d) No error

Q29. (a) The arm was then badly injured /(b)that he take to take /(c)it amputated /(d)No fault

Q30. (a) You need not tell a lie /(b) when the guess asked you where yous were/ (c) when the crime was committed/ (d)No mistake

Q31. (a) She and her sister/ (b) were working here/ (c) since 1983./ (d) No error

Q32. (a) Nobody saw him/ (b) since the fire broke/ (c) in his locality./ (d) No mistake

Q33. (a) By this time next year/ (b) Ramesh volition take/ (c) his university degree./ (d) No fault

Q34. (a) The families/ (b) are living in Model Town/ (c) for the last 2 decades./ (d) No error

Q35. (a) It is time/ (b) we should take washed/ (c) something useful./ (d) No error

Q36. (a) Mother said,/ (b) "Son, y'all have finished /(c)your homework?"./ (d) No fault

Q37. (a) My uncle/ (b) has left/ (c) for Mumbai last Saturday./ (d) No error

Q38. (a) Good heavens!/ (b) How has she/ (c) grown !/ (d) No fault

Q39. (a) Mohan leaps /(b) on the opportunity /(c)that came his way/ (d) no error

Q40. (a) I ate/ (b) nada/ (c) since morn/ (d) No error

Q41. (a) He/ (b) is having/ (c) many friends here/ (d) No error

Q42. (a) When I went there/ (b) he is playing/ (c) a game of chess/ (d) No error

Q43. (a) The victim tried to tell usa/ (b) what has happened simply/ (c) his voice was not audible./ (d) No error

Q44. (a) He has no right/ (b) to attend this meeting since he/ (c) has non been invited for the same./ (d) No error

Q45. (a) Last year 2 Italian prisoners of war/ (b) escapes from a prison camp/ (c) in Republic of kenya during the state of war./ (d) No error

Q46. (a) Amitabh Bachchan / (b) is having/ (c) a large fan post-obit./ (d) No error

Q47. (a) No one heard anything/ (b) virtually him since/ (c) he left India for good./ (d)No error

Q48. (a) Before the instructor/ (b) could finish the question/ (c) the students gave the right answer./(d) No error

Q49. (a) She did non set/ (b) her/ (c) breakfast even so./ (d) No error

Q50. (a) Maybe y'all do not know/ (b) I am owning/ (c) a farm house besides two bungalows./ (d) No error

Q51. (a) It is high time /(b) we renovate / (c) our quondam house/(d) No error

Q52. (a) When Anand reached his village/ (b) he found that/ (c) the news nigh him preceded him. / (d) No error.

Q53. (a) Due to inflation /(b) the cost of living /(c) escalated in the terminal one twelvemonth/(d) No error

Q54. (a) Simply every bit / (b) the train was crossing under the bridge /(c) a function of the bridge collapses on it./(d)No error

Q55. (a) She volition already render/ (b) abode/ (c) when he arrives./ (d) No fault

Q56. (a) Each one of them/ (b) has have his share/ (c) of joy and sorrow./ (d) No error

Q57. (a) The Haryana Authorities has risen /(b)the age limit for candidates/(c)appearing for government jobs to forty years./(d) No fault

Q58. (a) Believe me, I/ (b) am believing/ (c) whatever yous have said./ (d) No error

Q59. (a) I am going to purchase/ (b) a computer/ (c) when the prices comes down./ (d) No error

lx. (a) I wish/ (b) I have learnt swimming/ (c) when I was young. / (d) No error.

Q61. (a) After we hear the news of the terrorist attacks / (b) we immediately rushed to the spot/ (c) and offered whatever help nosotros could./ (d) No error

Q62. (a) Walt Disney Studios have successfully / (b) been making movies for children /(c) and full general audiences for many decades. / (d) No error.


  1. (a) Past the time / (b) we will get our tickets and enter the movie theater theatre/(c) the bear witness will accept already begun/(d) No Error
    Answer b
    Explanation- Remove will from role b. Afterward by the time simple present is used.
  2. (a)The thief was caught /(b) after he has sold off /(c) the stolen goods. /(d) No Error
    Answer B
    Caption – Supersede has past had. There are two instances of the past so past perfect volition be used in the start instance and the second instance volition exist in unproblematic past tense.

  3. (a) Sushma arrived here, /(b) did all the preparation /(c) and then has called 1 of her intimate friends /(d) No Error
    Answer C
    Explanation – Supplant has called by called.

  4. (a) I could not recall / (b) what she has told me about her /(c) concern for her dog, Moti. /(d)No Error
    Respond B
    Explanation- Replace has by had. (The sentence is in past tense)

  5. (a) When he did non find his cook in the kitchen (b) /he asked his wife/ (c) where had he gone./ (d) No error
    Answer C
    Explanation- Replace had he by he had. The judgement is not in interrogative pattern. In assertive sentences the bailiwick comes before the verb. In interrogative design the wh give-and-take is followed by the helping verb.

  6. (a) I do non know where could he have gone /(b) and then early /(c) in the morning/(d) No Mistake
    Answer A
    Explanation- Replace could he by he could. The sentence is not in interrogative pattern. In believing sentences the subject comes before the verb. In interrogative pattern the wh word is followed past the helping verb.

  7. (a) Nobody knows /(b) when death /(c) volition knock at his door /(d) No Error
    Answer D

  8. (a) Dipu hopes to go /(b) an officer after he complete /(c) his higher education/(d) No Error
    Answer b
    Explanation- replace complete by completes

  9. (a) Meenu along with her parents /(b) is going to Mumbai tonight /(c)because her eldest brother is ill at that place. / (d) No Error
    Answer d

  10. (a) My friends said to me, /(b) "When have /(c)you lot come here?" /(d) No Mistake
    Answer d

  11. (a) Although I am playing cricket /(b) for more than three years /(c)I have not been able to score a century/(d) No Error
    Answer A
    Explanation- Supervene upon am playing by have been playing. The sentence is in present continuous tense.

  12. (a) He would non have /(b) done all this if he had not been /(c) instigated by his married woman. / (d) No Error
    Answer D

  13. (a) The teacher said /(b) to u.s. that nosotros should stay at home /(c) if it rains. /(d) No Mistake
    Respond c
    Explanation Supervene upon rains by rained. The sentence is in past tense.

  14. (a) The teacher/(b) has took/ (c) the responsibility/ (d) No error.
    Respond b
    Explanation – Replace took by taken.( with has/have/had third form of the verb is used)

  15. (a) How long information technology takes /(b)to travel from Chennai to Trichy /(c)by train? /(d)No fault
    Answer A
    Explanation- Replace How long information technology takes by How long does it take .The sentence is in interrogative pattern. In interrogative pattern the wh word is followed by the helping verb. In believing sentences the bailiwick comes earlier the verb.

  16. (a) I was /(b) laying downwards /(c)when the door bell rang/(d)/No error
    Respond b
    Explanation – Replace laying downwards past lying downward.

  17. (a) Seldom if ever / (b)nature operate /(c)in its own way. /(d)No error
    Answer b
    Caption – Replace operate by operates

  18. (a) This T.V. serial/ (b) is going on/ (c) for three years./ (d) No fault
    Respond b
    Explanation – Replace is going by has been going.The sentence is in present continuous form.

  19. (a) This is turned out to be/ (b) ane of our about successful projects/ (c) and we have made quite a larger profit from it./ (d) No error
    Reply a
    Explanation – Supersede is by has. When talking of experiences upto at present we use the present perfect tense.

  20. (a) He has given me/ (b) a lot of documents/ (c) to read earlier the presentation day before yesterday./ (d) No mistake
    Reply a
    Explanations Supervene upon has given by had given. The sentence is in past perfect tense.

  21. (a) Since the trip home/ (b) was expensive/ (c) I did not went home during the holidays./ (d) No error
    Answer c
    Caption Replace went by get. We employ first course of the verb with did.

  22. (a) As she is late/ (b) for work yesterday she decided/ (c) to skip breakfast and leave for office./ (d) No fault
    Respond A
    Explanation Replace is by was. The judgement is in by tense.

  23. (a) As soon as the CEO entered the office, the/ (b) union leaders approached him/ (c) and written report the matter to him./ (d) No mistake
    Answer C
    Explanation Supersede study by reported . The sentence is in past tense.

  24. (a) The higher/ (b) is running a estimator form/ (c) since 2009./ (d) No error
    Answer b
    Explanation Replace is by has been . The judgement is in past tense.

  25. (a) The river is in spate/ (b) and it has overflown/ (c) its banks./ (d) No fault
    Answer b
    Caption Replace overflown by overflowed. Overflown means to wing over and overflowed is used for a liquid alluvion its brim.

  26. (a) The piddling male child/ (b) had been waiting for his plough/ (c) since a long fourth dimension./ (d) No error
    Reply c
    Explanation Supercede since by for every bit full fourth dimension is gven.

  27. (a) Did he tell you/ (b) why he hasn't/ (c) come up yesterday./ (d) No fault
    Answer B
    Explanation – Replace hasn't by Hadn't .The sentence is of past sentence as yesterday is mentioned.

  28. (a) Last night I dream/ (b) I was a Sheikh on the 169th flooring/ (c) of Burj Khalifa./(d) No error
    Answer a
    Explanation –Replace dream by dreamt. The sentence is of past sentence as last night is mentioned.

  29. (a) The arm was and so badly injured /(b)that he accept to accept /(c)it amputated /(d)No error
    Answer b
    Explanation –Replace accept past had. The sentence is of past sentence . If nosotros were compelled to practice anything in the past had to is used.

  30. (a) You lot need not tell a lie /(b) when the judge asked you where you were/ (c) when the law-breaking was committed/ (d)No error
    Reply b
    Explanation –Supplant asked by asks.

  31. (a) She and her sis/ (b) were working here/ (c) since 1983./ (d) No error
    Reply b
    Explanation –Replace were working by have been working. (Present continuous tense)

  32. (a) Nobody saw him/ (b) since the fire broke/ (c) in his locality./ (d) No error
    Answer a
    Caption –Supervene upon saw past has seen.(If an incident is mentioned after since it will always be in simple past tense and the other part of the sentence will be in simple nowadays)

  33. (a) By this fourth dimension next year/ (b) Ramesh will take/ (c) his academy degree./ (d) No error
    Answer b
    Explanation –Replace will take by will take taken ( futurity perfect tense)

  34. (a) The families/ (b) are living in Model Town/ (c) for the last ii decades./ (d) No error
    Respond b
    Explanation –Replace are living past have been living ( Present perfect continuous tense)

  35. (a) Information technology is time/ (b) nosotros should have washed/ (c) something useful./ (d) No error
    Answer b
    Explanation – Supercede should take washed past did. In sentences kickoff with It'due south high time/It'southward fourth dimension use uncomplicated past in the latter part of the judgement.

  36. (a) Mother said,/ (b) "Son, you have finished /(c)your homework?"./ (d) No error
    Reply B
    Explanation- Replace you have past have you .The sentence is in interrogative pattern. In interrogative blueprint the helping verb is used before the field of study. The question mark sign at the end shows that it is a question.

  37. (a) My uncle/ (b) has left/ (c) for Bombay last Saturday./ (d) No mistake
    Answer B
    Caption Remove has the judgement is of by tense as last Saturday is clearly mentioned.

  38. (a) Proficient heavens!/ (b) How has she/ (c) grown !/ (d) No error
    Answer B
    Explanation- Replace has she past she has .The sentence is not in interrogative pattern. In interrogative pattern the helping verb is used before the subject field. Hither it is exclamatory so the subject volition exist used earlier the helping verb.

  39. (a) Mohan leaps /(b) on the opportunity /(c)that came his mode/ (d) no error
    Answer a
    Caption- Supplant leaps past leapt (The sentence is of by tense)

  40. (a) I ate/ (b) nothing/ (c) since morning/ (d) No error
    Answer a
    Explanation Replace ate by have eaten. (Present perfect tense)

  41. (a) He/ (b) is having/ (c) many friends here/ (d) No fault
    Answer b
    Explanation-Supercede is having past have. We don't use ing with accept in case of showing possession.

  42. (a)When I went there/ (b) he is playing/ (c) a game of chess/ (d) No mistake.
    Answer B
    Explanation Replace is playing past was playing equally it is a past activity that continued for some time.

  43. (a) The victim tried to tell us/ (b) what has happened simply/ (c) his vocalism was not aural./ (d) No fault
    Answer B
    Explanation Replace has happened by happened .The judgement is in past tense.

  44. (a) He has no right/ (b) to nourish this meeting since he/ (c) has not been invited for it./ (d) No error
    Answer c
    Caption Replace has non been by was non. In sentences having since and followed past an incident the incident volition exist in past tense.

  45. (a) Last yr two Italian prisoners of war/ (b) escapes from a prison army camp/ (c) in Kenya during the war./ (d) No error
    Respond b
    Explanation Supervene upon escapes past escaped. The sentence is in past tense.

  46. (a) Amitabh Bachchan / (b) is having/ (c) a large fan following./ (d) No error
    Answer b
    Caption Replace is having by has . We do not make continuous tense of take except for having food and having fun.

  47. (a) No one heard anything/ (b) about him since/ (c) he left India for good./ (d)No fault
    Respond A
    Explanation Supersede No i heard anything past No 1 has heard annihilation. If the latter part of a sentence contains since followed by an incident of the past the beginning office of the sentence will be in present perfect.

  48. (a) Earlier the instructor/ (b) could end the question/ (c) the students gave the correct answer./(d) No mistake.
    Reply C
    Explanation – Replace gave by had given. There are ii instances of the past so by perfect will be used in the kickoff instance and the second instance will be in simple past tense

  49. (a) She did not prepare/ (b) her/ (c) breakfast however./ (d) No error
    Answer a
    Explanation – Supplant did non prepare past has not prepared. In sentences using yet the nowadays perfect is used.

  50. (a) Maybe yous do not know/ (b) I am owning/ (c) a subcontract business firm besides two bungalows./ (d) No mistake
    Reply b
    Explanation Supercede am owning by own . We do not make continuous tense of own.

51. (a) Information technology is high fourth dimension /(b) we renovate / (c) our sometime house/(d) No error.
Answer b
Explanation – Supercede renovate by renovated. In sentences kickoff with Information technology's high time/It'due south fourth dimension use elementary past in the sentence

52. (a) When Anand reached his village/ (b) he constitute that/ (c) the news nearly him preceded him. / (d) No mistake.
Answer C
Explanation – Supersede preceded by had preceded. There are two incidents of the past so past perfect will exist used in the outset incident and the second incident will be in simple past tense

53. (a) Due to inflation /(b) the cost of living /(c) escalated in the concluding one yr/(d) No error
Answer c
Explanation Supersede escalated past has escalated. ( Use nowadays perfect tense)

54. (a) Just every bit / (b) the train was crossing under the bridge /(c) a function of the bridge collapses on it./(d)No mistake.
Answer C
Caption – Replace collapses by collapsed. (If any action happened in the past when any other activity was going on information technology volition exist in simple by.)

55. (a) She volition already return/ (b) abode/ (c) when he arrives./ (d) No error
Reply a
Explanation Replace will already render by will have already returned. (Information technology'south a sentence of future perfect)

56. (a) Each one of them/ (b) has accept his share/ (c) of joy and sorrow./ (d) No error
Respond B
Explanation Replace has accept by has. It'southward a simple judgement showing possession use simple has.

57. (a) The Haryana Regime has risen /(b)the age limit for candidates/(c)actualization for authorities jobs to twoscore years./(d)No mistake ( utilise raised)
Answer a
Explanation Supplant has risen by raised. The verb used hither is incorrect. Raised ways taking to a higher level and risen means to go upwardly from a lying sitting position etc.

58. (a) Believe me, I/ (b) am believing/ (c) whatever you accept said./ (d) No fault
Answer b
Explanation Supersede am assertive by believe. We exercise not use believe in the continuous tense.

59. (a) I am going to buy/ (b) a estimator/ (c) when the prices comes downward./ (d) No error
Answer c
Explanation Supervene upon comes by come. Uncomplicated present tense is used hither and prices is plural so verb will be plural.

lx. (a) I wish/ (b) I have learnt swimming/ (c) when I was young. /(d) No mistake.
Respond b
Explanation Supervene upon take past had. The sentence is in past tense.

61. (a) After we hear the news of the terrorist attacks / (b) we immediately rushed to the spot/ (c) and offered whatever help we could./ (d) No error
Reply A
Explanation – Replace hear by had heared. There are two incidents of the by and so past perfect will exist used in the first incident and the second incident will exist in simple past tense

62. (a) Walt Disney Studios have successfully / (b) been making movies for children /(c) and general audiences for many decades. (d) No error.
Answer D


Source: https://ssccglpinnacle.com/find-the-error-in-the-sentence-exercise-based-on-tenses

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